Beef and butter fat fast – day five

I am doing another, final day on the beef and butter fat fast. This will be my fifth day doing this very strict keto eating plan.

Weight this morning: 173 3/4 lbs. It is still moving in the right direction, though it is slowing down. That said, From Monday when I began this plan, I’ve lost about 2 lbs. I’m saying about because it isn’t quite two pounds. I was 175 3/8 lbs when I began. You can read about my starting point here

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Beef and butter fat fast – day two

Good morning. Today is my second day on the beef and butter fat fast.

Before I start with how today has been, let me continue with how last night was in terms of mood and physicality. If you’ve not read how yesterday (day one) was, you can read about it here.

Day one – evening/night

18.30: I started feeling dizzy and woozy, classic symptoms of keto flu, which was surprising since I’ve been mostly keto since the end of June. That made me think that perhaps I’d not been doing keto as well as I should have been, over-eating on the protein and under-eating on the fats. This is an important key learning going forward for me.

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Beef and butter fat fast – day one

Introduction to fat fasting

The beef and butter fat fast like other fat fasts is only recommended if you want to get out of a plateau, begin a ketogenic eating plan or recover after a carb-overload. I plan on doing this fat fast for five days. I’m including the link so that you can begin your own reading into this protocol.

Important: Do not do this without doing your own personal research. I am not a medical doctor or dietitian. 

Advice before starting: Plan. Research. Prepare mentally because it is not going to be easy.

I’m embarking on the beef and butter fat fast because I have been on a weight loss plateau since the 30th of June. Research and planning done, yesterday I went shopping and stocked up.

I’ll post photos of everything I’m using in terms of ingredients and tell you all that I’ve done.

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Beef and butter fat fast

Introduction to the beef and butter fat fast

I follow, for the most part, an intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet protocol. But my weight loss journey has plateaued even though I know I’m gaining amazing healing and health benefits. 

The plateau has been hovering around a 3lb +/- range since the 30th of June, so I thought I would do something to get me moving in the right direction again. 

20% fat beef
20% fat beef

Fast-forward lots of research and I am set to begin the beef and butter fat fast tomorrow for 5 days. To that end, I’ve been to the shops, and have stocked up on, you guessed it, minced beef and butter.

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