I’m starting my third day of attempting the beef and butter fat fast today.
I went to bed at 23.00 last night and woke up nicely rested this morning at 8.15. I slept straight through the night and feel energized this morning. If you want to see how yesterday was, please go here.
Weight after day two : 174 1/4 lbs so another half a pound off. I know through research that other people do seem to loose a lot more, but I do tend to loose really slowly, much slower than most, and I’m not exercising because although I feel energized, I’m also feeling fatigued easily throughout the day. Not quite sure what’s going on with me. Last week when we were away on holiday we were doing so much walking, but this week, I’m just being very sedentary.
11.50: I’m still not hungry. I’m still doing my clean fast. Will update when I do break my fast for the day.

13.48: I’m starting to feel hungry. Finally. My tummy is growling and I am in the process of preparing my first meal for the day.
Breakfast: 1/2 an avocado, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp avocado oil (I can’t stand the thought of butter just yet), 1 tsp of Stevia and 1/8th tsp of allspice.
I’ve been reading and doing more research about the combination of intermittent fasting and keto here. It’s a really good website and I’m also on the Facebook pages that talk about these things. I can’t stress this enough – do your own research and understand what is going to happen to your body.
Lunch: 14.22 and I’m still hungry after my breakfast of avocado and fats, so I’m going to go ahead and have my 1 cup of beef. I can’t stand the thought of too much butter, so this time I’m adding 1 tbsp olive oil with the 1 tbsp of butter. Now you’ll wonder why it isn’t 3 tbsp of fat/butter, but remember I just had 1/2 an avocado with 2 tbsp of fat. So I’m sticking to the amounts of fat I should be having on this plan.

It was really easy eating my beef today. It was so much nicer with the olive oil and butter combination rather than just with butter. I’m feeling really full, I do feel overly greasy though in myself.
15.30: I feel like I’ve had my meal for the day and am ready to close my eating window.
Dinner: Instead of beef and butter I had 3 tsp of crunchy peanut butter and 10 whole almonds. This was completed by having 2 slices of Jarlsberg cheese.
16.38: I’ve nibbled on a bit of clotted cream with Stevia and two small French sausages. I am now closing my eating window.
When I began this fat fast, I was convinced that I wouldn’t deviate or cheat. I have found it incredibly hard to stay on it though. Intermittent fasting as a regime is turning out to be my saviour. I know that once I close my window that I am able to resist eating. Now that I am done for the day, I am safe. Thankfully, all the things I nibbled on have been within the keto diet plan. I’ve not over-indulged in either proteins or fats, and definitely not exceeded my carb allowance for the day.
I’m worried that I have two more days on this to go. The beef and butter fat fast says to do this for four days with the fifth being the weight-in day. I was going to do five whole days on the fat fast because I truly need to get a move on with the weight loss. I shall attempt another day tomorrow and see how I get on. This is it for today. I am going to now drink plenty of water and clean water fast until tomorrow.