Accountability: the secret to success!

What do you want in 2019?

The first month of the year is coming to an end. I’m assuming that you, like me, began 2019 with the usual list of New Year’s resolutions. Setting resolutions is sometimes seen as passe, but, I must admit that even as I scoffed at the idea and poo pooed the notion, there was a part of me that thought, hmm…, what do I want in 2019?

Ultimately, I think, we all want to change something, or gain something or let something go. That’s the meaning of growing and maturing, and whether we like to admit or not, the turning of the year brings that to mind.

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10 + days extended fast

I’ve been trying keto and intermittent fasting (IF) to loose weight. But I’ve stalled, and I’m tired of being the same weight since the 30th of June 2018. So my plan is to do a 120 hours or longer extended clean, water, tea and coffee only fast (EF) to break the deadlock and get my body into fat burning mode.

I’ve tried two other fat fasts but they didn’t work. You can read about both here and here.

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Egg keto fast – results after day one

Yesterday when I stood on the scales I was horrified to see I’d gone up in weight to 174 7/8 lbs. So I began the egg keto fast

Well the video opens with, you’re definitely going to loose weight. Ha! I stuck to it as close as possible. I didn’t even eat everything – I couldn’t finish my 4 tbsp of peanut butter with the 2 tbsp of butter I added instead of adding it to my coffee or having 2 tbsp of guacamole.

Weight this morning: 175 1/2 lbs. So I’ve gone up to exactly where I was last Monday when I began the beef and butter fat fast.

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Beef and butter fat fast – day five

I am doing another, final day on the beef and butter fat fast. This will be my fifth day doing this very strict keto eating plan.

Weight this morning: 173 3/4 lbs. It is still moving in the right direction, though it is slowing down. That said, From Monday when I began this plan, I’ve lost about 2 lbs. I’m saying about because it isn’t quite two pounds. I was 175 3/8 lbs when I began. You can read about my starting point here

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Beef and butter fat fast – day three

I’m starting my third day of attempting the beef and butter fat fast today.

I went to bed at 23.00 last night and woke up nicely rested this morning at 8.15. I slept straight through the night and feel energized this morning. If you want to see how yesterday was, please go here.

Weight after day two : 174 1/4 lbs so another half a pound off. I know through research that other people do seem to loose a lot more, but I do tend to loose really slowly, much slower than most, and I’m not exercising because although I feel energized, I’m also feeling fatigued easily throughout the day. Not quite sure what’s going on with me. Last week when we were away on holiday we were doing so much walking, but this week, I’m just being very sedentary. 

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Beef and butter fat fast – day two

Good morning. Today is my second day on the beef and butter fat fast.

Before I start with how today has been, let me continue with how last night was in terms of mood and physicality. If you’ve not read how yesterday (day one) was, you can read about it here.

Day one – evening/night

18.30: I started feeling dizzy and woozy, classic symptoms of keto flu, which was surprising since I’ve been mostly keto since the end of June. That made me think that perhaps I’d not been doing keto as well as I should have been, over-eating on the protein and under-eating on the fats. This is an important key learning going forward for me.

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Beef and butter fat fast

Introduction to the beef and butter fat fast

I follow, for the most part, an intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet protocol. But my weight loss journey has plateaued even though I know I’m gaining amazing healing and health benefits. 

The plateau has been hovering around a 3lb +/- range since the 30th of June, so I thought I would do something to get me moving in the right direction again. 

20% fat beef
20% fat beef

Fast-forward lots of research and I am set to begin the beef and butter fat fast tomorrow for 5 days. To that end, I’ve been to the shops, and have stocked up on, you guessed it, minced beef and butter.

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Do you want to transform your life?

Transformation begins with me

We often give our subconscious mind very conflicted messages. On the one hand we desperately want to increase our earnings, but on the other, we don’t want to give up our free time or our accustomed patterns of behaviour. We blame the lack of opportunity, we say we don’t have the right qualifications, or that the job market is stagnant, but really, the problem is us. We don’t want to change.

It could be the same situation with wanting to lose weight and become healthier, for example. You know you need to get better at nutrition and exercise more. You know your eating is out of control and yet, the thought of starting another diet programme that is bound to fail just seems exhausting. And so the problems are compounded; they are piled one on top of another, and you feel overwhelmed.
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